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QGIS | Plugins 

> Objective

  • This section contains information on how to install and use plugins 

  • This section also covers some useful plugins 

> Index / Table of Contents

  • Introduction  

  • Tutorial(s)  

    • Plugin installation and useful plugins 

    • ORS (Open Route Service) plugin  

    • PDOK (Publieke Dienstverlening Op de Kaart/Public Services On the Map) plugin 

    • Qgis2threejs plugin  

    • Potree and Qgis2threejs plugin 

    • Profile Tool plugin  

    • LASTools plugin 

    • DataPlotly plugin 

    • PyQGIS plugin  

    • Processing R provider plugin  

    • WAPlugin plugin  

    • SRTM Downloader plugin  

    • WebODM  

    • WhiteboxTools 

    • Raster Tracer plugin  

    • GDAL 

    • OpenTopography DEM Downloader  

    • QGIS2Web plugin 

    • PC Raster plugin 

      • Installation 

      • Plugin update 

      • Processing toolbox and additional tools 

      • Lookup tables  

      • Others  

  • QGIS installation 

> Summary and Highlights


More functionalities can be added to QGIS by installing plugins. These can be downloaded from the QGIS Plugin Manager. The first set of tutorials addresses the installation of plugins and mentions some useful ones. Then, each set of tutorials covers one specific plugin.  


Plugin installation and useful plugins  

ORS (Open Route Service) plugin   

Openrouteservice is useful for routing, creating isochrones and perform complex matrix calculations.   

PDOK (Publieke Dienstverlening Op de Kaart/Public Services On the Map) plugin  

PDOK is a platform offering reliable geographical data of the Netherlands. This data is provided by Dutch authorities.  

Qgis2threejs plugin  

Qgis2threejs visualizes DEM and vector data in 3D on a web view. 

Potree and Qgis2threejs plugin 

Potree renders large pointclouds and Qgis2threejs visualizes DEM and vector data in 3D on a web view.  

  • Pointcloud visualisation   Hans van der Kwast: “Pointclouds in QGIS using Potree and Qgis2threejs plugin”  Language(s): English  Time: 7min 2s   Chapters: introduction (start-0:34), installation (0:34-4:39), Qgis2threejs (4:39-end)  

Profile Tool plugin  

The profile tool plugin allows to generate the elevation profiles of a raster or point vector layer.  

LASTools plugin  

LASTools provides a set of tools to manage LiDAR data (e.g. classify, filter, raster, clip, triangulate).   

  • Generate a digital surface model (DSM) from a city   Hans van der Kwast: “Generate a DSM from a point cloud in QGIS using the LASTools plugin”  Language(s): English  Time: 14min 27s 

DataPlotly plugin  

DataPlotly is a Python plugin that is able to create plots.   

  • Match layer legend colours with histograms or pie charts  Hans van der Kwast: “Match Layer Legend Colours with DataPlotly Pie Chart Legend in QGIS”  Language(s): English  Time: 5min 2s  

  • Create pie charts from vector data   Hans van der Kwast: “Create Pie Charts in QGIS with the Data Plotly Plugin”  Language(s): English  Time: 4min 36s  

  • Match colours of the legend of a Data Plotly chart with the ones of the layer   Hans van der Kwast: “Match QGIS Data Plotly Legend with Colours of the Layer (Update)”  Language(s): English  Time: 1min 49s 

PyQGIS plugin  

PyQGIS allows to write and run Python scripts in QGIS.  

  • Create a table with stage (level) and volume in DEM   Hans van der Kwast: “Create a stage volume curve with PyQGIS”  Language(s): English  Time: 12min 12s   Chapters: introduction (start-1:45), coding (1:45-7:10), processing (7:10-end)  

Processing R provider plugin  

The processing R provider plugin allows to execute R scripts, which enables statistical computations and graphics.  

  • How to install and use R  Hans van der Kwast: “How to use R in QGIS?”  Language(s): English  Time: 7min 31s   Chapters: introduction (start-1:36), configuration (1:36-5:46), scripts (5:46-end) 

WAPlugin plugin   

The WAPlugin allows access to WaPOR (WAter Productivity through Open access of Remotely sensed derived data) data.  

  • WAPlugin version 2.0 demonstration   Hans van der Kwast: “Open Data Day 2022 - Launch WAPlugin 2.0”  Language(s): English  Time: 50min 48s   Chapters: introduction (start-6:44), install WAPlugin (6:44-8:13), configure backdrop with MapTiler plugin (8:13-10:30), getting the API token from FAO WaPOR (10:30-14:05), downloading data from the WaPOR catalogue (14:05-32:24), using the Indicators Calculator (32:24-38:45), WAPlugin documentation (38:45-48:18), closing (48:18-end)  

SRTM Downloader Plugin    

SRTM Downloader Plugin downloads SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) Tiles, which contain elevation data, from the NASA server.  

  • Download SRTM 1-Arc Second DEM Tiles   Hans van der Kwast: “Download SRTM DEM Tiles with the SRTM Downloader Plugin in QGIS”  Language(s): English  Time: 2min 9s  


WebODM helps to process drone images and create maps, pointclouds or DEMs from them.  

  • Create pointclouds, DSM and orthophotos   Hans van der Kwast: “Use WebODM to process drone images and visualise the results in QGIS”  Language(s): English  Time: 18min 44s  


WhiteboxTools helps to process images and perform analysis of geographical data. It can also be used for spatial hydrological analysis.   

Raster Tracer plugin  

The RasterTracer plugin allows to trace and draw lines on a vector layer. This can be useful while digitalizing curved lines for example.   


The Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) allows to read and write raster and vector data.  

  • Mosaic tiles with different UTM zones into one image   Hans van der Kwast: “Mosaic raster images with different UTM zones using QGIS and GDAL”  Language(s): English  Time: 4min 21s  

OpenTopography DEM Downloader  

This plugin enables users to download topography data from  

  • Add a DEM to a project using the OpenTopography DEM Downloader   Hans van der Kwast: “Download DEMs in QGIS for a Specified Extent with the OpenTopography DEM Downloader”  Language(s): English   Time: 3min 59s  

QGIS2Web plugin 

This plugin allows to generate a web map from a project.  

PC Raster plugin  

PCRaster is used for spatio-temporal environmental models, such as hydrology, ecology or land use.  


  • Install the PCRaster modelling language and Python library   Hans van der Kwast: “Set up PCRaster in Windows using Anaconda”  Language(s): English   Time: 8min 36s   Chapters: introduction (start-1:40), Anaconda Navigator (1:40-6:17), testing (6:17-end)  

  • Install PCRaster using conda   Hans van der Kwast: “How to install PCRaster 4.3 using conda”  Language(s): English   Time: 4min 45s   Chapters: intro (start-0:38), installation (0:38-1:57), environment (1:57-end)  

  • Install PCRaster and QGIS using conda   Hans van der Kwast: “Use PCRaster map algebra and raster operations in QGIS”  Language(s): English   Time: 21min 36s  

  • Anaconda installation and create an environment for PCRaster, GDAL and QGIS   Hans van der Kwast: “Installation of Anaconda and create an environment for PCRaster, GDAL and QGIS”  Language(s): English   Time: 7min 27s  

  • OSGeo4W Setup, install PCRaster and PCRaster Tools plugin   Hans van der Kwast: “Troubleshooting PCRaster installation for QGIS with the OSGeo4W installer”  Language(s): English   Time: 2min 48s  

Plugin update  

  • Plugin update v. 0.1.1.   Hans van der Kwast: “QGIS PCRaster Tools Plugin: Updates and Pro Tips”  Language(s): English   Time: 14min 19s  Chapters: introduction (start-0:22), resample tool (0:22-4:04), lookup tool (4:04-6:36), resource sharing plugin (6:36-12:20), pro tips (12:20-end)   

Processing toolbox and additional tools  

  • Add PCRaster tools to the Processing Toolbox  Hans van der Kwast: “Getting started with PCRaster tools in QGIS”  Language(s): English   Time: 8min 29s   Chapters: install Anaconda (start-0:57), set up environment (0:57-3:00), install QGIS resource sharing plugin (3:00-5:04), overview tools (5:04-6:04), convert to PCRaster format (6:04-end)  

  • Create a QGIS Processing Tool for an existing dynamic PCRaster Python model  Hans van der Kwast: “Adding Dynamic PCRaster Python Models to the QGIS Processing Toolbox”  Language(s): English   Time: 21min 21s  

  • Create a PCRaster PyQGIS   Hans van der Kwast: “Add Your Own PCRaster Tools to the QGIS Processing Toolbox”  Language(s): English   Time: 12min 37s   Chapters: introduction (start-0:19), install and configure the QGIS Resource Sharing plugin (0:19-1:15), edit an existing PyQGIS processing script (1:15-6:27), debug PyQGIS script (6:27-7:05), download Sentinel 2A bands from the STAC API Browser plugin (7:05-8:53), use your new tool (8:53-10:57), share your tool with others through the PCRaster Resource Sharing Repo (10:57-end) 

  • Additional tools   Hans van der Kwast: “Add More PCRaster Tools from the QGIS Resource Sharing Repository”  Language(s): English   Time: 7min 20s   Chapters: introduction (start-0:28), install the QGIS Resource Sharing Plugin (0:28-2:19), calculate subcatchments from defined outlets (2:19-5:21), calculate subcatchments automatically based on Strahler order (5:21-6:28), other tools and models (6:28-end)   

Lookup tables  

  • Lookup operations to combine or reclassify rasters   Hans van der Kwast: “Combine & reclassify rasters with PCRaster in Python”  Language(s): English   Time: 8min 5s  

  • Use lookup tables to reclassify rasters   Hans van der Kwast: “Reclassify rasters with lookup tables using PCRaster in QGIS”  Language(s): English   Time: 8min 24s  

  • Lookup tables to assign output values based on input rasters  Hans van der Kwast: “Using lookup table with multiple raster layers with PCRaster in QGIS”  Language(s): English   Time: 3min 16s  

  • Install the RasterAttributeTable plugin and create lookup table to reclassify a discrete raster   Hans van der Kwast: “Create lookup tables from a Raster Attribute Table and reclassify raster using PCRaster in QGIS”  Language(s): English   Time: 4min 40s   Chapters: introduction (start-0:18), install raster attribute table (0:18-1:05), create raster attribute table (1:05-1:49), load raster attribute table (1:49-2:53), change table values (2:53-4:08), result (4:08-end)  

  • Create lookup tables from raster attribute tables of continuous rasters and reclassification   Hans van der Kwast: “Create Lookup Tables from Raster Attribute Tables of Continuous Rasters using PCRaster in QGIS”  Language(s): English   Time: 4min 7s   


  • Prepare raster data to use PCRaster   Hans van der Kwast: “Prepare raster data for PCRaster model”  Language(s): English   Time: 7min 16s  

  • Import time series tables into PCRaster and interpolate the points   Hans van der Kwast: “Importing time series tables into PCRaster and interpolation”  Language(s): English   Time: 9min 53s  

  • Area or zonal operations   Hans van der Kwast: “Area (zonal) operations with PCRaster in QGIS”  Language(s): English   Time: 3min 45s   Chapters: intro (start-0:48), area tool (0:48-1:48), identify tool (1:48), average elevation (2:20-2:49), area diversity (2:49-end)  

  • Window operations   Hans van der Kwast: “Window (focal) operations using PC Raster in QGIS”  Language(s): English   Time: 4min 24s   Chapters: introduction (start-0:25), window average tool (0:25-1:01), window diversity tool (1:01-2:07), window high pass (2:07-3:07), window majority (3:07-end)  

  • Raster proximity analysis   Hans van der Kwast: “Raster proximity analysis using the spread operations of PC Raster in QGIS”  Language(s): English   Time: 6min 14s   Chapters: introduction (start-0:15), spread tool (0:15-2:36), maximum distance (2:36-4:03), houses (4:03-end)  

  • Hydrological analysis   Hans van der Kwast: “Hydrological analysis with PCRaster in QGIS”  Language(s): English   Time: 10min 59s  

  • Pollution routing   Hans van der Kwast: “Routing pollution over the flow direction with PCRaster in QGIS”  Language(s): English   Time: 20min 55s   Chapters: pollution routing (start-11:13), implementation in the Graphical Modeler (11:13-end)  

  • Use accumulate materials over a drainage network   Hans van der Kwast: “Using different flow accumulation tools of PCRaster in QGIS”  Language(s): English  Time: 7min 28s  Chapters: introduction (start-0:20), Accuflux (0:20-2:42), Accufractionflux (2:43-4:49), Accuthresholdflux (4:49-6:39), Accutraveltimeflux (6:39-7:02), Accutraveltimefractionflux (7:02-7:09), Accutriggerflux (7:09-end)  

  • Derive all subcatchments from a DEM   Hans van der Kwast: “Derive all subcatchments from a DEM using PCRaster in QGIS”  Language(s): English   Time: 14min 11s   Chapters: introduction and workflow (start-1:53), convert to PCRaster format (1:53-2:20), create local drain direction map (lddcreate) (2:20-3:20), calculate Strahler orders (streamorder) (3:20-4:07), derive channels from Strahler orders (4:07-5:32), create lookup table with RAT (5:32-6:37), reclassify Strahler orders (lookup) (6:37-7:24), find downstream Strahler order (downstream) (7:24-7:52), use raster calculator to find junctions (7:52-9:07), give outlets unique ID (uniqueid) (9:07-9:56), convert layer data type (9:56-10:30), create nominal zero map (spatial) (10:30-10:49), fill nodata (cover) (10:49-11:24), derive subcatchments (catchment) (11:24-12:00), derive subcatchments (subcatchment) (12:00-12:44), give subcatchments their Strahler order (areamaximum) (12:44-end)  

  • Interpolate contour lines to raster using TIN   Hans van der Kwast: “Interpolate contour lines and calculate catchments of polygons with PCRaster in QGIS”  Language(s): English   Time: 8min 14s  

  • Style a mesh using arrows, streamlines and traces   Hans van der Kwast: “Visualise PCRaster LDD as Arrows, Streamlines and Traces in QGIS using the Crafish plugin”  Language(s): English   Time: 3min 45s  

  • How to convert a GeoTIFF to the PCRaster format   Hans van der Kwast: “Convert GeoTIFF to PCRaster Format in QGIS”  Language(s): English  Time: 1min 23s   

  • Control the output extent and spatial resolution with IDW, Nearest Neighbor interpolation and the graphical model from the PCRaster Resource Sharing repository   Hans van der Kwast: “Nearest Neighbor Interpolation (Thiessen) in QGIS with Control of Extent and Resolution”  Language(s): English   Time: 5min 29s   Chapters: introduction (start-1:02), grid (Nearest neighbour) tool (1:02-1:27), additional command line parameters for gdal_grid (1:27-2:53), add models from PCRaster resource sharing repository (2:53-4:14), Thiessen model from PCRaster repository (4:14-end)   

> QGIS Installation

Do you still need to install QGIS? The QGIS installation and update section explains how to install QGIS on Windows and macOS. 

Useful Links 

GIS OpenCourseWare

QGIS Training Manual

QGIS User Guide

Open Route Service

PDOK website  

Qgis2threejs Plugin Document  

Potree GitHub page

LAStools website

DataPlotly Documentation

PyQGIS Developer Cookbook

WAPlugin GitHub  

WaPOR website

Information on the SRTM

WebODM website 

WhiteboxTools website

RasterTracer GitHub  

GDAL documentation 

OpenTopography website  

PCRaster website 

PCRaster Tools Plugin website 


Mariëlle Geers-Plasmans (Geojuffie) YouTube channel

Ujaval Gandhi (QGIS Tutorials and Tips website) 

Erik Meerburg (3D geoinformation research group) YouTube channel

Hans van der Kwast YouTube channel 

Erik Meerburg (Geogoeroe) YouTube channel

#QGIS, #Plugin, #ORS, #PDOK, #Qgis2threejs, #Potree, #Profile Tool, #LASTools, #DataPlotly, #PyQGIS, #Processing R provider, #WAPlugin, #SRTM Downloader, #WebODM, #WhiteboxTools, #GDAL, #QGIS2Web plugin, #PCRaster 

Hans van der Kwast. (2020, May 11). Generate a DSM from point cloud in QGIS using the LASTools plugin [Video]. YouTube.

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